Walk in Taylor Valley |
1972 |
Taylor Valley |
General |
MCMEH-B000009 |
Occurrence of acquatic fungi in Victoria Land and Ross Island |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Ecology and Biology |
MCMEH-B000030 |
Hydrocarbons in air samples from Antarctic dry valley drilling sites. |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geochemistry |
MCMEH-B000062 |
Organogeochemistry of the Dry Valley Drilling Project (DVDP), Antarctica (abstract) |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geochemistry |
MCMEH-B000085 |
Isotope geochemistry and environmental variations in the dry valley region, Antarctica (abstract). |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geochemistry |
MCMEH-B000092 |
R.E. K-Ar dates of the McMurdo Volcanics and their relation to the glacial history of Wright Valley. |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000126 |
An Antarctic analog of Martian permafrost terrain |
1972 |
Beacon Valley |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000144 |
Wright Valley: Geoscience workshop of a continent |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000160 |
Stratigraphy, petrology and chemistry of rocks from Ross Island drill hole |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000175 |
Metamorphism and magnetism of the rossides of southern Victoria Land |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000231 |
Mars analog studies in Wright and Victoria Valleys, Antarctica |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000266 |
Atlas of geological features in the dry valleys of south Victoria Land, Antarctica: possible analogs of Martian surface features |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000267 |
Petrology and deformational history of the basement complex, Wright Valley, Antarctica with special reference to the origin of the augen gneisses. |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000278 |
Unusual melting in the Dry Valleys, 1971-1972 |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000353 |
Geophysical studies of permafrost in the dry valleys. |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000368 |
Seismic refraction and electrical resistivity investigations in the dry valleys |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000369 |
Aeromagnetic reconnaissance and geologic summary of the Dry Valley region. |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000385 |
Geophysical identification of frozen and unfrozen ground, Antarctica. |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000386 |
Aeromagnetic study of part of the Ross Island and Taylor Glacier quadrangles, Antarctica. |
1972 |
Taylor Valley |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000391 |
Paleomagnetic studies of rocks drilled during DVDP (abstract) |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000398 |
Ancient ice wedges in Wright Valley, Antarctica |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Glaciology |
MCMEH-B000456 |
A study of ground-water flow systems and hydrologic parameters in some ice-free valleys in the McMurdo Sound region, Antarctica (abstract) |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Hydrology |
MCMEH-B000495 |
Report on the 1971-1972 hydrological-glaciological program: southern Victoria Land, dry valleys region |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Hydrology |
MCMEH-B000499 |
Japanese field surveys in the dry valleys, Antarctica. |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Limnology |
MCMEH-B000593 |
Characteristics of the climate of Wright Valley, Victoria Land, Antarctica. |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Atmospheric Science |
MCMEH-B000652 |
Antarctic microbiol [sic] ecology, Dry Valley Drilling sites (abstract) |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Ecology and Biology |
MCMEH-B000670 |
Microbiology of the dry valleys of Antarctica: studies of the world’s coldest and driest deserthave implications for the Mars biological program |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Ecology and Biology |
MCMEH-B000684 |
Soil microbiology studies in situ in the dry valleys of Antarctica. |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Ecology and Biology |
MCMEH-B000692 |
Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils and stratigraphy of sediments in the McMurdo Sound area (abstract) |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Paleontology |
MCMEH-B000700 |
A reappraisal of the Pecten glacial episode, Wright Valley, Antarctica. |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Paleontology |
MCMEH-B000711 |