Geophysical identification of frozen and unfrozen ground, Antarctica. |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000386 |
Aeromagnetic study of part of the Ross Island and Taylor Glacier quadrangles, Antarctica. |
1972 |
Taylor Valley |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000391 |
Aeromagnetic surveys of the Ross Island and Taylor Glacier quadrangles |
1972 |
Taylor Glacier |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000392 |
Paleomagnetic studies of rocks drilled during DVDP (abstract) |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000398 |
Japanese field party surveys in the dry valleys of Antarctica. |
1972 |
Don Juan Pond |
Geophysics |
MCMEH-B000400 |
Glaciological investigations in Antarctica |
1972 |
Walcott Glacier |
Glaciology |
MCMEH-B000433 |
Ogive systems on polar alpine glaciers |
1972 |
Meserve Glacier |
Glaciology |
MCMEH-B000453 |
Ancient ice wedges in Wright Valley, Antarctica |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Glaciology |
MCMEH-B000456 |
A study of ground-water flow systems and hydrologic parameters in some ice-free valleys in the McMurdo Sound region, Antarctica (abstract) |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Hydrology |
MCMEH-B000495 |
Report on the 1971-1972 hydrological-glaciological program: southern Victoria Land, dry valleys region |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Hydrology |
MCMEH-B000499 |
Aerial, aquatic and soil microbiology of Don Juan Pond, Antarctica |
1972 |
Don Juan Pond |
Limnology |
MCMEH-B000513 |
Antarctic limnology: a review |
1972 |
General Antarctic |
Limnology |
MCMEH-B000533 |
Double-diffusive convection and its implications for the temperature and salinity structure of the ocean and Lake Vanda |
1972 |
Lake Vanda |
Limnology |
MCMEH-B000542 |
Primary productivity and associated physical, chemical and biological characteristics of Lake Bonney: a perennially ice-covered lake in Antarctica |
1972 |
Lake Bonney |
Limnology |
MCMEH-B000548 |
Bathymetry and bottom sediments of Lake Vanda, Antarctica |
1972 |
Lake Vanda |
Limnology |
MCMEH-B000567 |
Japanese field surveys in the dry valleys, Antarctica. |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Limnology |
MCMEH-B000593 |
The re-evaluation of heat balance in Lake Vanda, Victoria Land, Antarctica |
1972 |
Lake Vanda |
Limnology |
MCMEH-B000611 |
Characteristics of the climate of Wright Valley, Victoria Land, Antarctica. |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Atmospheric Science |
MCMEH-B000652 |
Ecology of blue-green algae in Antarctic soils. |
1972 |
General Antarctic |
Ecology and Biology |
MCMEH-B000661 |
Antarctic microbiol [sic] ecology, Dry Valley Drilling sites (abstract) |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Ecology and Biology |
MCMEH-B000670 |
Microbiology of the dry valleys of Antarctica: studies of the world’s coldest and driest deserthave implications for the Mars biological program |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Ecology and Biology |
MCMEH-B000684 |
Soil microbiology studies in situ in the dry valleys of Antarctica. |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Ecology and Biology |
MCMEH-B000692 |
A fjiord deposit in Wright Valley, Antarctica |
1972 |
Lower Wright Glacier |
Paleontology |
MCMEH-B000699 |
Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils and stratigraphy of sediments in the McMurdo Sound area (abstract) |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Paleontology |
MCMEH-B000700 |
A reappraisal of the Pecten glacial episode, Wright Valley, Antarctica. |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Paleontology |
MCMEH-B000711 |
A fiord origin for the Pecten deposits, Wright Valley, Antarctica |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Paleontology |
MCMEH-B000721 |
Late Cenozoic foraminifera and stratigraphy in sediments of the McMurdo Sound area (abstract) |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Paleontology |
MCMEH-B000724 |
Paleontology of late Tertiary-Quaternary sediments, Wright Valleys, Antarctica |
1972 |
Wright Valley |
Paleontology |
MCMEH-B000726 |
Wright fjord, Pliocene marine invasion of and Antarctic dry valley |
1972 |
Lower Wright Valley |
Paleontology |
MCMEH-B000728 |
Chronosequence of soils in the Beacon Valley, Antarctica. |
1972 |
Beacon Valley |
Soil Science |
MCMEH-B000752 |