Content Title Season Place Field Identifier
Busy summer season at Scott Base and Vanda 1972 Vanda Station (Old) General MCMEH-B000003
Walk in Taylor Valley 1972 Taylor Valley General MCMEH-B000009
Occurrence of acquatic fungi in Victoria Land and Ross Island 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000030
Need for conservation of freshwater environments. 1972 Lake Bonney, Lake Vanda Conservation MCMEH-B000049
Monitoring of Antarctic dry valley drilling sites 1972 Don Quixote Pond Conservation MCMEH-B000055
Hydrocarbons in air samples from Antarctic dry valley drilling sites. 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geochemistry MCMEH-B000062
Geochemistry of the McMurdo Volcanics, Victoria Land: Part 1 – Strontium isotope composition 1972 Cape Adare Geochemistry MCMEH-B000081
Organogeochemistry of the Dry Valley Drilling Project (DVDP), Antarctica (abstract) 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geochemistry MCMEH-B000085
Isotope geochemistry and environmental variations in the dry valley region, Antarctica (abstract). 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geochemistry MCMEH-B000092
Calculated dates of selected glacial events in Wright Valley 1972 Meserve Glacier Geology MCMEH-B000117
Mawson Tillite, Victoria Land, east Antarctica: reinvestigation continued. 1972 Battlements Nunatak Geology MCMEH-B000121
R.E. K-Ar dates of the McMurdo Volcanics and their relation to the glacial history of Wright Valley. 1972 Wright Valley Geology MCMEH-B000126
An Antarctic analog of Martian permafrost terrain 1972 Beacon Valley Geology MCMEH-B000144
Wright Valley: Geoscience workshop of a continent 1972 Wright Valley Geology MCMEH-B000160
Forms of existing snowdrift-sediment deposits in Antarctica and New Quebec. (Les forms et depots niveo-eoliens actuels en Antarctique et au Nouveau-Quebec) 1972 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000161
Stratigraphy, petrology and chemistry of rocks from Ross Island drill hole 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000175
Tors, rock weathering and climate in southern Victoria Land, Antarctica 1972 Sandy Glacier Geology MCMEH-B000185
Metamorphism and magnetism of the rossides of southern Victoria Land 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000231
Dry Valley Drilling Project: three nations are studying the subsurface in the McMurdo Sound region 1972 Ross Island Geology MCMEH-B000243
Mars analog studies in Wright and Victoria Valleys, Antarctica 1972 Wright Valley Geology MCMEH-B000266
Atlas of geological features in the dry valleys of south Victoria Land, Antarctica: possible analogs of Martian surface features 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000267
Petrology and deformational history of the basement complex, Wright Valley, Antarctica with special reference to the origin of the augen gneisses. 1972 Wright Valley Geology MCMEH-B000278
Antarctic tors 1972 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000306
Basement geology of Mount Insel area, Victoria Valley, Antarctica 1972 Mount Insel Geology MCMEH-B000328
Unusual melting in the Dry Valleys, 1971-1972 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000353
Local earthquakes in Victoria Land. 1972 General Antarctic Geophysics MCMEH-B000358
Geophysical studies of permafrost in the dry valleys. 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geophysics MCMEH-B000368
Seismic refraction and electrical resistivity investigations in the dry valleys 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geophysics MCMEH-B000369
Geothermal studies in Antarctica (abstract) 1972 General Antarctic Geophysics MCMEH-B000370
Aeromagnetic reconnaissance and geologic summary of the Dry Valley region. 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geophysics MCMEH-B000385
