Geological studies of basement rocks in south Victoria Land


Geological studies of basement rocks in south Victoria Land

Academic Field: 
During the 1969-70 field season, mapping of basement rocks was carried out in Wright Valley and on the Skelton Glacier. The basement rocks cropping out between the Goodspeed and Meserve Glaciers consist of complexly deformed metasedimentary rocks and augen gneiss intruded by Theseus Granodiorite, microdiorite, Vanda Porphyry, and lamprophyre, in that order. Between the Goodspeed and Hart Glacier the Theseus Granodiorite is folded and foliated, but it shows little sign of deformation west of the Hart Glacier. Much of the augen gneiss seems to be quarzo-feldspathic layers in the metasedimentary rocks, buy a few augen gneiss layers are clearly discordant and may be folded, metamorphosed dikes. Geologic studies of the Anthill Limestones along the Skelton Glacier revealed 2 fold systems. The earlier systems consists of isoclinal folds which range from passive folds with alial plane cleavage to flexural slip folds. The second system is represented by large, open folds around which the iscclinal folds are folded. Samples were collected for lithologic, mineralogic, and geochemical studies.
Bibliographic Citation: 
Murphy, D.J.; Flory, R.F.; Houston, R.S.; Smithson, S.B. Geological studies of basement rocks in south Victoria LandAntarctic Journal of the United States 5(4):1021970