Troy L. Pewe Antarctica Collection

Content Title Season Place Field Identifier
Troy in Jamesway hut 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002093
Flash shot of Norm in his bed at NAF Jamesway Hut 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002094
Close-up of prefabricated orange huts at McMurdo Sound 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002202
Orange prefabricated house 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002203
Boiling seal heads from seal mummies at McMurdo Sound 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002237
Snow mine the source of water at NAF from the top of Observation Hill 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002238
Mechanized snow shovel with scoop full of snow to be melted down into water for the water supply at NAF 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002240
Inside the latrine showing the basins and the water supply 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002328
Inside the latrine showing the basins and the water supply 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002329
Panorama of the water in the McMurdo Sound 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002330
Panorama of the water in the McMurdo Sound 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002331
View from truck going out to the air field 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002332
C-124 with an orange truck and orange trailer 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002333
Weasel in the snow from the inside of the mammoth C-124 plane 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002334
C-124 Air Force cargo plane getting ready to take off with Pewe and the helicopter pilot 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002335
Detail of the card or the name Blackjack of the ship 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002336
First small plane across the continent of Antarctica 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002245
Goodbye see you again in 7 days. 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002327
