
Content Title Season Place Field Identifier
Troy by Scott's motor sled 1957-58 Scott's Hut General MCMEH-P001899
Troy standing by corner of Scott's Hut 1957-58 Scott's Hut General MCMEH-P001913
Troy by red tent 1957-58 Commonwealth Camp General MCMEH-P002070
Troy by red tent 1957-58 Commonwealth Camp General MCMEH-P002071
Troy modeling latest in bed head wear 1957-58 Commonwealth Camp General MCMEH-P002081
Uplifted beaches 1957-58 Marble Point Camp General MCMEH-P002083
Troy by Fubar sign at Fubar 1957-58 Marble Point Camp General MCMEH-P002085
Troy by field gear after unpacking helicopter 1957-58 Davis Valley Camp General MCMEH-P002095
Troy and tent camp near Garwood Glacier 1957-58 Garwood Camp General MCMEH-P002142
Phil Smith and Troy Pewe at Scott Base in front of a map 1957-58 Scott Base General MCMEH-P002244
C-124 Air Force cargo plane getting ready to take off with Pewe and the helicopter pilot 1957-58 McMurdo Station General MCMEH-P002335