General Antarctic

Content Title Season Place Field Identifier
Inland record of a live crabeater seal in Antarctica 1968 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000033
Chemistry and the Quaternary in the Antarctic. 1968 General Antarctic Geochemistry MCMEH-B000116
Coastal geomorphology, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica 1968 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000288
Terrestrial Prostigmata (Trombidiform mites) 1967 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000034
Entomological investigations in Antarctica, 1963-1964 season 1967 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000041
Preliminary study of variations of oxygen and suphur isotope in natural sulphates. 1967 General Antarctic Geochemistry MCMEH-B000100
Tectonics of Antarctica 1967 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000199
Oxygen isotopic composition of sulphates. Part 2 – Preliminary results on oxygen isotopic variations in suphates and their relationship to their environment and to their S34 values. 1967 General Antarctic Geochemistry MCMEH-B000099
Modal and element variation in Antarctic tholeiites. 1966 General Antarctic Geochemistry MCMEH-B000072
Chemistry in the Antarctic. 1966 General Antarctic Geochemistry MCMEH-B000077
Geomorphology of Antarctica 1966 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000290
Ecology of soil microorganisms of Antarctica. 1966 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000659
Three new yeasts from Antarctic soils. 1966 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000674
Quaternary climatic variations in Antarctica as suggested by glacial fluctuations 1966 General Antarctic Glaciology MCMEH-B000472
The flora of Antarctica 1965 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000025
K/Rb and K/Ba ratios in Antarctica and New Zealand tholeiites and alsali basalts 1965 General Antarctic Geochemistry MCMEH-B000071
New isotope age measurements from the McMurdo Sound Area, Antarctica 1965 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000133
Intrusion of major dolerite sills. 1965 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000157
Geology and morphology of Antarctica 1965 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000201
Salt weathering a neglected geological erosive agent in coastal and arid environments. 1965 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000349
Antarctic interglacial features 1965 General Antarctic Glaciology MCMEH-B000461
Triassic and Jurassic miospores and arcitarchs from Antarctica 1965 General Antarctic Paleontology MCMEH-B000714
Penguins at Coulman Island Unknown Season Coulman Island General MCMEH-P002603
Penguins at Coulman Island 2 Unknown Season Coulman Island General MCMEH-P002604
Peneplain structures and huts Unknown Season Taylor Glacier General MCMEH-P002613
Aerial view of Coulman Island 1964-65 Coulman Island General MCMEH-P002614
Aerial view along Daniell Peninsula 1964-65 Daniell Peninsula General MCMEH-P002615
Basement rocks and Tucker Glacier 1964-65 Daniell Peninsula General MCMEH-P002620
Young Mount Harcourt 1964-65 Mount Harcourt General MCMEH-P002623
Aerial view of Ridley Beach 1964-65 Ridley Beach General MCMEH-P002627
