Content Title Season Place Field Identifier
Survival of histological structure and biochemical constituents in an ancient mummified Weddell seal: Part 1 – General description and age of Antarctic seal mummie 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000027
EW Zealand parties work in the dry valley 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys General MCMEH-B000004
Mummified seals of southern Victoria Land. 1971 Ferrar Glacier Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000019
Search for life on Mars: where we stand today 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000022
Survival of histological structure and biochemical constituents in an ancient mummified Weddell seal: Part III – survival of biochemical constituents 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000023
Survival of histological structure and biochemical constituents in an ancient mummified Weddell seal: Part II – Survival of histological structure. 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000029
United States and New Zealand cooperation in environmental protection 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Conservation MCMEH-B000060
Chemical weathering in Wright Valley. 1971 Meserve Glacier Geochemistry MCMEH-B000063
Possible Tertiary age for some Antarctic Cirques 1971 Upper Wright Valley Geology MCMEH-B000135
Glacial geology of the Victoria Valley System, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. 1971 Victoria Valley Geology MCMEH-B000164
Pared-down landscapes in Antarctica. 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000177
Ramp forms that result from weathering and retreat of precipitous slope 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000178
Rhythmic layering and multiple intrusion in the Ferrar Dolerite of south Victoria Land, Antarctica. 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000193
Geology of the folded basement in the McMurdo Sound Oasis (Victoria Land). (O geologii skladchatogo fundamenta v oazise Mak-Merdo (Zemlia Viktorii) 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000230
Upper Paleozoic tillite in the dry valleys, south Victoria Land, Antarctica (note) 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000299
A Method of Gully Erosion, Taylor Dry Valley, Antarctica 1971 New Harbor Camp Geology MCMEH-B000308
Salt weathering of landforms, and an Antarctic example. 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000309
Slopes and their development in an ice-free, arid area of Antarctica 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000311
Some solifluction surfaces and terraces in the ice-free valleys of Victoria Land, Antarctica 1971 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000312
The origin of the Labyrinth, Wright Valley, Antarctica 1971 Wright Valley Geology MCMEH-B000315
Belgian exchange scientists in the dry valleys. 1971 Lake Fryxell Geology MCMEH-B000339
Radio-echo sounding records from southern Victoria Land. 1971 Byrd Glacier Geophysics MCMEH-B000367
Electrical resistivity investigations in Wright and Taylor Valleys, Antarctica 1971 Wright Valley Geophysics MCMEH-B000376
Structural glaciology of Meserve Glacier phase 3. 1971 Meserve Glacier Glaciology MCMEH-B000446
Permafrost-hydrogeologic regimen in two ice-free valleys, Antarctica, from electrical depth sounding 1971 Taylor Valley Glaciology MCMEH-B000448
Seiche observations at Lake Vanda, Victoria Land, Antarctica 1971 Lake Vanda Limnology MCMEH-B000530
Carbon-14 age and tritium content of Lake Vanda, Wright Valley 1971 Lake Vanda Limnology MCMEH-B000546
Temperature and conductivity measurements under ice island T-3 1971 Lake Vanda Limnology MCMEH-B000568
Diurnal geochemistry of Canopus Pond, Wright Valley, 1969-1970 1971 Canopus Pond Limnology MCMEH-B000590
At the Vanda Camp 1971 Vanda Station (Old) Limnology MCMEH-B000606
