Content Title Season Place Field Identifier
Determination of past Antarctic climate by thermoluminescence of the rocks 1960 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000139
Reconnaissance geology of the Mt Nussbaum area, Taylor Dry Valley, Victoria Land, Antarctica 1960 Mt Nussbaum Geology MCMEH-B000146
Geological work in Antarctic dry valleys 1960 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000172
Geology of Taylor Glacier: Taylor Dry Valley region, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica 1960 Taylor Glacier Geology MCMEH-B000200
Rock weathering in the Antarctic 1960 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000216
Gravity observations in the Wright Valley area, Victoria Land, Antarctica 1960 Wright Valley Geophysics MCMEH-B000363
Paleomagnetism in Antarctica 1960 General Antarctic Geophysics MCMEH-B000364
The paleomagnetism of some hypabyssal intrusive rocks from south Victoria Land, Antarctica. 1960 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geophysics MCMEH-B000365
Recent moraines of a lobe of the Taylor Glacier, Victoria Land, Antarctica (letter). 1960 Taylor Glacier Glaciology MCMEH-B000411
Recent moraines of a lobe of the Taylor Glacier Victoria Land, Antarctica (letter). 1960 Taylor Glacier Glaciology MCMEH-B000436
Glacial history of the McMurdo Sound region, Antarctica. 1960 McMurdo Dry Valleys Glaciology MCMEH-B000467
Multiple glaciation in the McMurdo Sound region Antarctica: a progress report 1960 McMurdo Dry Valleys Glaciology MCMEH-B000469
Multiple glaciation in the McMurdo Sound region Antarctica: a progress report. 1960 McMurdo Dry Valleys Glaciology MCMEH-B000470
Saline lakes and drill hole brines, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica 1960 Marble Point Camp Limnology MCMEH-B000507
Yeasts from Antarctica. 1960 Wright Valley Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000676
Microbiology of some soils from Antarctica 1960 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000678
Scientists make soil survey of the Ross Dependency 1960 McMurdo Dry Valleys Soil Science MCMEH-B000783
Soils of the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 1960 Taylor Valley Soil Science MCMEH-B000785
Scott's Hut at Cape Evans 1960 1960 Cape Evans General MCMEH-P003602
Sea Smoke McMurdo March 1960 1960 McMurdo Sound General MCMEH-P003605
Taylor to Wright 19th September 1960. 1960 -General MCMEH-A000046