
Content Title Season Place Field Identifier
Tractor traverse party Ross ice shelf 1960-61 Ross Ice Shelf General MCMEH-P001350
Tractor traverse party Ross ice shelf 1960-61 Ross Ice Shelf General MCMEH-P001351
Ross Ice Barrier Little America Antarctica 1959-60 Ross Ice Shelf General MCMEH-P001790
Ross Ice Barrier from top observation hill McMurdo Antarctica 1959-60 Ross Ice Shelf General MCMEH-P001814
Ross Ice Shelf looking to Scott Base from Observation Hill McMurdo Antarctica 1959-60 Ross Ice Shelf General MCMEH-P001831
Ross Ice Shelf Barrier 1957-58 Ross Ice Shelf General MCMEH-P001865
Ross Ice Shelf and USS Glacier 1957-58 Ross Ice Shelf General MCMEH-P001866
Ross Ice Shelf and USS Glacier 1957-58 Ross Ice Shelf General MCMEH-P001867
Small indentations in the pack ice made by ship 1957-58 Ross Ice Shelf General MCMEH-P001868
Very dim view of the ice shelf barrier 1957-58 Ross Ice Shelf General MCMEH-P001871