Salinity stratigraphy of frozen ground in the dry valleys, Antarctica |
1977 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000239 |
Basement complex of the McMurdo oasis, south Victoria Land. |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000229 |
Stratigraphy of the Beacon Supergroup between the Olympus and Boomerang Ranges, Victoria Land |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000251 |
Statigraphy and petrology of the Beacon Supergroup, southern Victoria Land |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000256 |
Development of augen-gneiss in the ice-free valley area, south Victoria Land |
1972 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000323 |
Geology of the folded basement in the McMurdo Sound Oasis (Victoria Land). (O geologii skladchatogo fundamenta v oazise Mak-Merdo (Zemlia Viktorii) |
1971 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000230 |
Salt weathering of landforms, and an Antarctic example. |
1971 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000309 |
The oases in the ice |
1965 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000174 |
Reconsideration of the “Beacon” as a stratigraphic name in Antarctica |
1964 |
McMurdo Dry Valleys |
Geology |
MCMEH-B000263 |