Book Section

Content Title Season Place Field Identifier
Soils and Permafrost 1977 General Antarctic Soil Science MCMEH-B000770
Soils of Antarctica 1977 McMurdo Dry Valleys Soil Science MCMEH-B000792
Salinity stratigraphy of frozen ground in the dry valleys, Antarctica 1977 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000239
Antarctic freshwater ecosystems: review and synthesis 1977 General Antarctic Limnology MCMEH-B000532
Nitrogen and phosphorous availability to plankton and benthic communities in Lake Bonney, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica 1977 Lake Bonney Limnology MCMEH-B000538
Changes in dissolved organic matter, photosynthetic production, and microbial community composition in Lake Bonney, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica 1977 Lake Bonney Limnology MCMEH-B000574
Mathematical models of benthic and plankton communities in Lake Bonney, south Victoria Land, Antarctica. 1977 Lake Bonney Limnology MCMEH-B000625
The Stable isotope geochemistry of gypsum, Miers Valley, Antarctica (abstract) 1976 Miers Valley Geochemistry MCMEH-B000087
Applications of thermal analysis to cold regions 1976 General Antarctic Soil Science MCMEH-B000790
Antarctic microbiology: preparation for Mars life detection, quarantine and back contamination. 1976 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000666
Gondwana Basins of Antarctica. 1975 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000188
Changing sediment transport directions from Devonian to Triassic in the Beacon Super-Group of South Victoira Land, Antarctica 1975 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000150
The early Permian glacial beds of South Victoria Land and the Darwin Mountains, Antarctica. 1975 McMurdo Dry Valleys Glaciology MCMEH-B000407
Meteorological constraints on hydrology studies in the dry valleys, Antarctica 1975 McMurdo Dry Valleys Atmospheric Science MCMEH-B000643
The palynology of Late Palaeozoic glacial depostis of Gondwanaland 1975 General Antarctic Paleontology MCMEH-B000706
Estheriids of the Indian Gonwanas: significance for continental fit. 1975 General Antarctic Paleontology MCMEH-B000719
Geological and limnological factors of cold deserts 1974 General Antarctic Limnology MCMEH-B000517
Subglacial geomorphology and glacial history, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica 1974 McMurdo Dry Valleys Glaciology MCMEH-B000421
Adaptation of New Zealand Research personnel in the Antarctic. 1974 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000634
Earth evolution in the Transantarctic Mountains and west Antarctica 1973 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000326
Growth of patterned ground in Victoria Land, Antarctica 1973 McMurdo Dry Valleys Soil Science MCMEH-B000743
Geophysical identification of frozen ground, Antarctica. 1973 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geophysics MCMEH-B000387
Glacial processes in the ice-free valleys of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica 1973 McMurdo Dry Valleys Glaciology MCMEH-B000419
Cryomorphic processes and micro-relief features, Victoria Land, Antarctica. 1973 McMurdo Dry Valleys Soil Science MCMEH-B000742
Soil development and patterned ground evolution in Beacon Valley, Antarctica. 1973 Beacon Valley Soil Science MCMEH-B000798
Occurrence of acquatic fungi in Victoria Land and Ross Island 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000030
Local earthquakes in Victoria Land. 1972 General Antarctic Geophysics MCMEH-B000358
Ecology of blue-green algae in Antarctic soils. 1972 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000661
Beacon Supergroup of east Antarctica. 1972 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000149
Basement complex of the McMurdo oasis, south Victoria Land. 1972 McMurdo Dry Valleys Geology MCMEH-B000229
