Content Title Season Place Field Identifier
Mawson Tillite, Victoria Land, east Antarctica: reinvestigation continued. 1972 Battlements Nunatak Geology MCMEH-B000121
Forms of existing snowdrift-sediment deposits in Antarctica and New Quebec. (Les forms et depots niveo-eoliens actuels en Antarctique et au Nouveau-Quebec) 1972 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000161
Antarctic tors 1972 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000306
Local earthquakes in Victoria Land. 1972 General Antarctic Geophysics MCMEH-B000358
Geothermal studies in Antarctica (abstract) 1972 General Antarctic Geophysics MCMEH-B000370
Antarctic limnology: a review 1972 General Antarctic Limnology MCMEH-B000533
Ecology of blue-green algae in Antarctic soils. 1972 General Antarctic Ecology and Biology MCMEH-B000661
Beacon Supergroup of east Antarctica. 1972 General Antarctic Geology MCMEH-B000149
Electromagnetic interference survey of the Hut Point Peninsula area of Antarctica. 1972 General Antarctic Geophysics MCMEH-B000399